• Green Onyx Oval Faceted appx 7x9 mm appx. Most creative. 8 inch strand.
    • $30.50
      Green Onyx Oval Faceted appx 7x9 mm Product-Green Onex Oval Shape- Oval Price- $ 29.99 Size - 7x9 mm Length -15 inches appx Quality- AAA Top Quality one of a kind, Fine Luster PROPERTIES- ONYX is the "Stone of Old Memories. It is a secretive stone that holds memories of old injuries, helps to heal old griefs and sorrows. Onyx...
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    • Prehnite Oval Faceted Appx 8x6mm appx 15 inch,Shaded light to dark color,Green,yellow ,100% natural, creative (#360)
    • $20.50
      Prehnite Oval Faceted Appx 8x6mm, shaded light to dark color ,100% natural, creative . Product- Prehnite Shape- Oval faceted Size - 8x6 mm appx Length -15.5 inches appx Quality- fine Quality, Properties- PREHNITE is "The Stone of Unconditional Love" often used in meditative practices to enhance prophesy and the higher contact with the self. It has a protective field and...
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