Labrodorite AAA Quality Rectangular 15x21 mm 100% natural, creative, sharp Blue fire on it

Product Descriptions

Labrodotite Rectanguar

Product Name-Labrodorite Cabochon

Shape- Oval shape Cabochon

Size- 15x21
Quality- AAA 100% natural
Style- Plain-smooth

PROPERTIES -Labradorite cleans and opens the crown chakra by stimulating the wearer’s intuition. It is a power stone that allows you to see through illusions and determine the actual form of your dreams and goals. Use Labradorite to stimulate the imagination, develop enthusiasm and to see more clearly in meditation.

We are Manufacture ,wholesaler of all kind Beads & cabs., shapes, variety ,custom styles/shapes with quality control to customer satisfaction. Large quantity orders are welcome.

*Weight and Measurements/Length/MM size are in close approximations.


SKU- AYS-CB-00056-A
Code- cts 30.50

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